14 June, 2010

Memory of yours ...

*click on picture to enlarge it*

"you can run, but you can't hide ... "

I believe nobody is perfect and we, include you and i, have ever done something bad or created at least a trouble in your lifetime. Some choose not to mention about it again and some were like looking for the solutions to solve the trouble created. Whereas some were just like letting the trouble pass through throughout the day because we do believe that things will be settled down as the time pass by, so what type of situation solving method are you belong to ?
As the time pass by, everything will be settle down. But, and but, let's think about it. Is the trouble created really can be settle down as the time pass?

Photo shown above is the CCTV hanging up high on the tall pole. You can run (escape) from the problem, but you can't hide yourself from it ...

09 June, 2010

Decision |Making

"though there is longer distance as compared to the other .... take it or not, you select by own"

Sometimes, when i see over-bridge just right in front of me, but i've got the feeling of taking the shortcut which is crossing the road without using the over-bridge just to avoid my legs for walking another probably 40 more steps. However, in the end, i've made the decision of crossing the road by using the over-bridge everytime, yes, is every single of the time.
Though, using the over-bridge takes a longer distance as compared to the shortcut. But, taking the road with the longer distance can ensure our safety; shortest distance might lead to an insecure consequences. Whether to take it or not, is depends on oneself, we are the one making the decision.

08 June, 2010


因为一时的冲动之下,没想那么多,当时有点好傻好单纯的我,按了钱,便到店里随便的问一问,就这样 买下了我的第一台傻瓜相机 - Diana Mini。买了之后,揣摩了很久,至今还是有一些不是很明白的疑问。 =="

过了不久,网上开始有人在售卖防水 Lomo,好奇心重的我,对它产生了一股很浓厚的兴趣。有一次在逛街的时候,眼角一瞄,“咦~那不是网上很 hito 的防水 Lomo吗?” 看了看价钱,正合我意。考虑了那短短的2分钟时间,便决定把它给买下。就这样在短短的不到一个半月的时间,买了两台的傻瓜相机 - Lomography。

不久后,觉得玩 film 有点昂贵,毕竟我还是一名学生,没有任何的收入,所以就在网上搜集了一些有关电子傻瓜相机,也就是 Digital Lomo 的资料。一来可以减少复制底片的花费,还有因为 Digital Lomo 的 size 比较小,容易又方便携带。本人我也是在一股冲动的情形下,买了这台电子傻瓜相机。买了之后,发觉它还真的不错用,还介绍了不少的人使用呢~ ^^

由于每每一到了晚上,天黑了,环境暗暗的,不管是 Digital Lomo 还是一般普通没有闪光灯的傻瓜相机都派不上用场。在做了不少的资料搜查后,便决定了买下这个 Holga 的闪光灯。虽然它不是Diana品牌的,可是用处还是一样的。在购买这闪光灯前,我还预购了Diana HotShoe Adapter - 右上图红色框框内的那个连接品。因为得要有这Adapter才可以使用这个闪光灯。订购这个Adapter 花上了我差不多一个月的时间,有够麻烦。买傻瓜相机的旅程 真的让我经历了不少的波折...

普吉岛之旅,带了我的这三台傻瓜相机到那里验收一下这几个月里我对傻瓜相机的认识与了解。哈哈~ 上图是使用防水Lomo拍摄。

*p/s : 说真的,买了三台的傻瓜相机,本人我还是 偏爱/比较喜欢 第一台 - Diana Mini。

03 June, 2010

简单 |但内敛

“ 看似简简单单,可是很内敛、有内涵。 ”



01 June, 2010

古老 | 健壮

“ 看似古老的冷气机,可是它的威力还是挺强的。 ”


